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Major Cities of Guyana


Conferences in Guyana 2018

Date Conference Location
30th July, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Culture, Languages and Literature Linden, Guyana
26th August, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Museums Heritage Conservation Linden, Guyana
23rd August, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Differentiation Rules in Mathematics Linden, Guyana
22nd August, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Computational Pathology and Biomedical Engineering Linden, Guyana
20th August, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Teaching Systems Linden, Guyana
29th August, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Tourism Statistics and Data Sources Linden, Guyana
5th August, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Climate Change and Medical Entomology Linden, Guyana
16th August, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on Discourse Studies Linden, Guyana
6th September, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on Memory Studies George-Town, Guyana
23rd September, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Disasters Management Method and Geomatics Solutions George-Town, Guyana
20th September, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Data Mining and Data Integration for Life Sciences George-Town, Guyana
9th September, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on Soil Quality, Crop Nutrition, Agronomic Management Practices and Tillage George-Town, Guyana
18th September, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education George-Town, Guyana
26th September, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Politics and Philosophy George-Town, Guyana
29th July, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Health, Pesticides and Exposure Assessment George-Town, Guyana
29th July, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Urban Anthropology and Cultural Systems Studies Linden, Guyana
12th August, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on African Studies and Media Globalization George-Town, Guyana
27th August, 2024 IIERD | International Symposium on Philosophy, Education, Art and History of Science George-Town, Guyana
2nd August, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Technologies George-Town, Guyana
19th August, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Discrete Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Programming George-Town, Guyana
20th August, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Human Support Technologies and Human Machine Interaction Linden, Guyana
29th August, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Urban Landscape and Urban Planning Linden, Guyana
16th August, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Health Information Technology and Future Prospects Linden, Guyana
9th August, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Diabetes Physiology and Management Linden, Guyana
29th August, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Reproductive Health Crisis George-Town, Guyana
21st August, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Science George-Town, Guyana
30th August, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Social Media and Cloud Computing George-Town, Guyana
8th August, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Developing Countries and Healthcare George-Town, Guyana
12th August, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on Broadcast Engineering and Communication Studies George-Town, Guyana
27th August, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Bridge Design, Engineering and Technology George-Town, Guyana
14th August, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Assistive Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction George-Town, Guyana
30th August, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Accounting and Finance George-Town, Guyana
14th August, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Urban Technologies and Urban Planning George-Town, Guyana
7th August, 2024 Research Leagues | International Conference on Distance Learning and Special Education George-Town, Guyana
13th August, 2024 WRF | World Conference on Education, Research and Policy Linden, Guyana
5th August, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Business Tourism and Events Industry Linden, Guyana
15th August, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Thought Experiments in Science, Philosophy, and the Arts George-Town, Guyana
28th August, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Evidence-Based Educational Methods, Computers and Adaptive Instruction Linden, Guyana
6th August, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Religion and Religious Studies Linden, Guyana
19th August, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases George-Town, Guyana
16th August, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Anthropology and Major Theories Linden, Guyana
9th August, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Irregular Migration, Human Smuggling and Human Rights Linden, Guyana
29th August, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Occupational Therapy George-Town, Guyana
21st August, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Precision Teaching Applications and Special Education George-Town, Guyana
7th August, 2024 Research Leagues | International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology George-Town, Guyana
13th August, 2024 WRF | International Conference on Application of Nanofluids in Renewable Energy Systems Linden, Guyana
23rd August, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Linden, Guyana
22nd August, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Gifted Education and Creativity Linden, Guyana
8th August, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Human Exposure to Environmental Contaminants and Human Biomonitoring George-Town, Guyana
15th August, 2024 ISER | International Conference on African Studies and Philosophy George-Town, Guyana
28th August, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Communication Technology and New Media Linden, Guyana
6th August, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Public Health and Healthcare Systems Linden, Guyana
26th August, 2024 IITER | International conference on Occupational science Linden, Guyana
17th September, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning George-Town, Guyana
9th September, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Technologies George-Town, Guyana
16th September, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Mathematics of Sports and Data Analysis George-Town, Guyana
5th September, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Finance and Business Economics Linden, Guyana
27th September, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Urban Geomorphology Studies and Applications Linden, Guyana
26th September, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences Linden, Guyana
13th September, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Marine Science and Pathology Linden, Guyana
19th September, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Public Health Nursing Practice and Management Applications George-Town, Guyana
18th September, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Customer Relationship Marketing and Management George-Town, Guyana
11th September, 2024 Research Leagues | International Conference on English Language Teaching George-Town, Guyana
2nd September, 2024 WRF | International Conference on Information and Education Technology Linden, Guyana
26th September, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences Linden, Guyana
13th September, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Marine Science and Pathology Linden, Guyana
17th September, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences Linden, Guyana
24th September, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Statistical Science and Mathematics Linden, Guyana
4th September, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Health Care Administration and Management George-Town, Guyana
26th September, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Philosophy George-Town, Guyana
19th September, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference On Assessment Reliability and Validity Linden, Guyana
12th September, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on African Studies and Popular Culture Linden, Guyana
25th September, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Biomedical and Interdisciplinary Research Linden, Guyana
3rd September, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on Forestry and Forest Engineering Linden, Guyana
6th September, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on Military Studies George-Town, Guyana
17th September, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Physiology George-Town, Guyana
16th September, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Diabetes, Signs and Symptoms George-Town, Guyana
5th September, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Agricultural Education and Communications Linden, Guyana
27th September, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Cultural Resources Management, Art Conservation and Restoration Linden, Guyana
26th September, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on homological algebra Linden, Guyana
13th September, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on European Law and Public Health Linden, Guyana
23rd September, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Educational Environment and Distance Education George-Town, Guyana
19th September, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Contemporary Asian Studies George-Town, Guyana
2nd September, 2024 WRF | International Conference on Public Health Nursing and Public Health Linden, Guyana
17th September, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Ecological Anthropology and Human-Environment Interactions Linden, Guyana
24th September, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Times of Polymers and Composites Linden, Guyana
10th September, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Linden, Guyana
20th September, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Suicide Terrorism Studies George-Town, Guyana
4th September, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Multidisciplinary Social Studies, Anthropology, History and Archaeology George-Town, Guyana
19th September, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics Linden, Guyana
12th September, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Administrative Science, Human Rights and Immigration Linden, Guyana
25th September, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Soil Compaction and Compaction Methods Linden, Guyana
3rd September, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on American Philosophy and Thought Linden, Guyana
2nd August, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on Business, Banking and Finance George-Town, Guyana
10th September, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Studies Linden, Guyana
22nd October, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on African Studies and Environments George-Town, Guyana
24th October, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Emergency Management and Disaster Management George-Town, Guyana
18th October, 2024 IARF | International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Production Engineering George-Town, Guyana
7th October, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnology George-Town, Guyana
10th October, 2024 Research Leagues | International Conference on Computer Science, Machine Learning and Algorithms George-Town, Guyana
15th October, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Wastewater Management Technology George-Town, Guyana
15th October, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Hands-on Science. Advancing Science. Improving Education George-Town, Guyana
3rd October, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Business Mathematics George-Town, Guyana
4th October, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Business, Banking and Finance Linden, Guyana
17th October, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Globalization and Culture Linden, Guyana
21st October, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Pharmacy, Drugs and Potency Linden, Guyana
2nd October, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Language Computing and Speech Processing Linden, Guyana
17th October, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Facial Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery George-Town, Guyana
28th October, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Economic Policy in Economics and Administrative Sciences George-Town, Guyana
23rd October, 2024 WRF | International Conference on Agricultural Education and Communications Linden, Guyana
30th October, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics Linden, Guyana
29th October, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Dermatology, Leprology and Venereology Linden, Guyana
8th October, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Urban Noise Pollution Assessment Techniques and Urban Planning Linden, Guyana
11th October, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Breast Radiology, Cancer Detection and Diagnostic George-Town, Guyana
25th October, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Global History George-Town, Guyana
9th October, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Modern African Philosophy Linden, Guyana
16th October, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on E-Pedagogy and Educational Design Linden, Guyana
14th October, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Anthropology and Social Change Linden, Guyana
2nd October, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on Fashion Design and Product Development Linden, Guyana
24th October, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Business Systems and Applications George-Town, Guyana
13th November, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on Documentation Studies George-Town, Guyana
20th November, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Advertising Effectiveness and Marketing George-Town, Guyana
21st November, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Radiology, Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Linden, Guyana
5th November, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Mathematics of Sports and Data Analysis Linden, Guyana
11th November, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Healthcare Robotics George-Town, Guyana
28th November, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Talented and Gifted Education Methods Linden, Guyana
28th November, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on African Studies and Environments Linden, Guyana
26th November, 2024 ASAR | World Congress on Nutraceuticals George-Town, Guyana
5th November, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Asian Cultural and Religious Studies George-Town, Guyana
12th November, 2024 WRF | International Conference on Public Health, Malnutrition and Hidden Hunger Linden, Guyana
14th November, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Genetic Manipulation Linden, Guyana
17th December, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on African Studies and Environments George-Town, Guyana
6th December, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Facial Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery George-Town, Guyana
18th December, 2024 WRF | International Conference on Agricultural Education and Communications Linden, Guyana
20th December, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Roman Catholic Church, Social and Cultural Issues George-Town, Guyana
3rd December, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Philosophy Linden, Guyana
24th October, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Business Systems and Applications George-Town, Guyana
23rd October, 2024 WRF | International Conference on European Law and Public Health Policies Linden, Guyana
18th October, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Digital Agriculture, Latest Advances, Prospects and Artificial Intelligence George-Town, Guyana
14th October, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Language, Literature and Society Linden, Guyana
4th December, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Wastewater Management Technology George-Town, Guyana
25th December, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Southeast European Studies Linden, Guyana
6th December, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Performance Marketing and Marketing Techniques Linden, Guyana
26th December, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on African Studies and Education George-Town, Guyana
30th December, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Forensic Psychology and Psychological Autopsy Methodology Linden, Guyana
2nd December, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Food and Tourism Linden, Guyana
23rd December, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on Future Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering Linden, Guyana
22nd October, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on New Trends in Education: Teaching, learning and Technology George-Town, Guyana
7th October, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications George-Town, Guyana
17th October, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Education and New Developments George-Town, Guyana
3rd October, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology George-Town, Guyana
4th October, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Southeast European Studies Linden, Guyana
17th October, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Performance Marketing and Marketing Techniques Linden, Guyana
21st October, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Emergency Management and Disaster Management Linden, Guyana
2nd October, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Biosensors and Nanotechnology Linden, Guyana
28th October, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Economic Policy in Economics and Administrative Sciences George-Town, Guyana
10th October, 2024 Research Leagues | International Conference on American Philosophy and Thought George-Town, Guyana
22nd November, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Aspects of Language Teaching and Learning George-Town, Guyana
15th November, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Business, Banking and Finance Linden, Guyana
8th November, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Urban Geography and Regional Studies Linden, Guyana
5th November, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Diabetes and Diabetic Dyslipidemia George-Town, Guyana
12th November, 2024 WRF | International Conference on Online Collaborative Learning in Higher Education Linden, Guyana
6th November, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Roman Catholic Church, Social and Cultural Issues George-Town, Guyana
7th November, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Philosophy Linden, Guyana
26th November, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on Renewable Energy Resource and Energy Storage George-Town, Guyana
18th November, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Statistics, Econometrics and Mathematics George-Town, Guyana
4th November, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Discourse Studies George-Town, Guyana
14th November, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on Forestry and Forest Engineering Linden, Guyana
13th November, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on Eastern Philosophy and East Asian Philosophies George-Town, Guyana
22nd November, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Cardiology and Heart Diseases George-Town, Guyana
20th November, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Special Needs Education, Teaching and Different Approaches George-Town, Guyana
6th November, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Catholic Church and History George-Town, Guyana
7th November, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Internet, E-Learning and Education Linden, Guyana
4th December, 2024 IIERD | International Conference on Hands-on Science. Advancing Science. Improving Education George-Town, Guyana
9th December, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnology George-Town, Guyana
12th December, 2024 Research Leagues | International Conference on Computer Science, Machine Learning and Algorithms George-Town, Guyana
23rd December, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on Fashion Design and Product Development Linden, Guyana
24th December, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology George-Town, Guyana
12th December, 2024 Research Leagues | International Conference on American Philosophy and Thought George-Town, Guyana
20th December, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law George-Town, Guyana
11th December, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Statistics Linden, Guyana
5th December, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Amorphous Metals Synthesis in Chemistry Linden, Guyana
24th December, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Business Mathematics George-Town, Guyana
25th December, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Business, Banking and Finance Linden, Guyana
6th December, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Globalization and Culture Linden, Guyana
19th December, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Emergency Management and Disaster Management George-Town, Guyana
26th December, 2024 Research Fora | International Conference on Economic Policy in Economics and Administrative Sciences George-Town, Guyana
27th December, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Production Engineering George-Town, Guyana
11th December, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Modern African Philosophy Linden, Guyana
5th December, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on E-Pedagogy and Educational Design Linden, Guyana
30th October, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Optometry and Laser Soldering Linden, Guyana
29th October, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Agricultural Sciences and Economics Linden, Guyana
30th October, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Optometry and Laser Soldering Linden, Guyana
29th October, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Agricultural Sciences and Economics Linden, Guyana
8th October, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Architectural History and Cultural Architecture Linden, Guyana
11th October, 2024 Science Leagues | World Conference on e-Education, e-Business and e-Commerce George-Town, Guyana
25th October, 2024 ISER | International Conference on Sociology, Islam and Post-Islamism George-Town, Guyana
9th October, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Statistics Linden, Guyana
16th October, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Amorphous Metals Synthesis in Chemistry Linden, Guyana
2nd October, 2024 Research Plus | International Conference on Future Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering Linden, Guyana
18th November, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Compute and Data Analysis George-Town, Guyana
15th November, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Business, Banking and Finance Linden, Guyana
8th November, 2024 Science Cite | International Conference on Urban Geography and Regional Studies Linden, Guyana
7th November, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics Linden, Guyana
29th November, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Clinical Nursing Studies and Clinical Evaluation Linden, Guyana
27th November, 2024 Research Leagues | World Summit on Cancer Therapy & Radiation Oncology George-Town, Guyana
7th November, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Aviation Management and Information Technology Linden, Guyana
29th November, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Surgery in Pediatric Pathology Linden, Guyana
27th November, 2024 Research Leagues | International Conference on the Arts in Society George-Town, Guyana
25th November, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Domestic Tourism, Political and Social Aspects Linden, Guyana
19th November, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation George-Town, Guyana
18th November, 2024 Science Society | International Conference on Compute and Data Analysis George-Town, Guyana
18th October, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Production Engineering George-Town, Guyana
21st November, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Macedonian Language, Literature and Linguistics Linden, Guyana
5th November, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Manufacturing Models and Metrics Linden, Guyana
25th November, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Higher Education Studies Linden, Guyana
19th November, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on American Literature and Comics George-Town, Guyana
11th November, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies George-Town, Guyana
28th November, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Advanced Science and Mathematics Linden, Guyana
28th November, 2024 Research Foundation | International Conference on Constitutional Law and Human Rights Linden, Guyana
16th December, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Pharmacy, Drugs and Potency Linden, Guyana
23rd December, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Language Computing and Speech Processing Linden, Guyana
30th December, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics Linden, Guyana
2nd December, 2024 ISAR | International Conference on Dermatology, Leprology and Venereology Linden, Guyana
4th November, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Distance Education and Online Courses George-Town, Guyana
10th December, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Urban Noise Pollution Assessment Techniques and Urban Planning Linden, Guyana
13th December, 2024 Science Leagues | International Conference on Breast Radiology, Cancer Detection and Diagnostic George-Town, Guyana
17th December, 2024 Research Society | International Conference on Distance Learning and Special Education George-Town, Guyana
9th December, 2024 ASAR | International Conference on Peace, Humanitarian Aid and Service George-Town, Guyana
16th December, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Emergency Management and Disaster Management Linden, Guyana
23rd December, 2024 Scholars Forum | International Conference on Biosensors and Nanotechnology Linden, Guyana
19th December, 2024 IIRST | International Conference on Business Systems and Applications George-Town, Guyana
6th December, 2024 Sairap | International Conference on Distance Education and Learning Methodologies George-Town, Guyana
18th December, 2024 WRF | International Conference on European Law and Public Health Policies Linden, Guyana
10th December, 2024 ISIT | International Conference on Architectural History and Cultural Architecture Linden, Guyana
27th December, 2024 ITAR | International Conference on Digital Agriculture, Latest Advances, Prospects and Artificial Intelligence George-Town, Guyana
13th December, 2024 Science Leagues | World Conference on e-Education, e-Business and e-Commerce George-Town, Guyana
3rd December, 2024 IITER | International Conference on Problem Based Learning Pedagogies in Higher Education Linden, Guyana
10th January, 2025 Research Society | International Conference on Europeanization, Westernization and European Union George-Town, Guyana
14th January, 2025 IIRST | International Conference on Aquaculture Production Technology George-Town, Guyana
8th January, 2025 Science Leagues | International Conference on Healthcare Simulation and Medical Education George-Town, Guyana
30th January, 2025 Sairap | International Conference on Latin American and Caribbean Studies George-Town, Guyana
28th January, 2025 IIERD | International Conference on Cancer Treatment in Pediatrics George-Town, Guyana